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Thu, 18 Mar 2021 20:06:51 +0000
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I'll never forget that glare when you came in. I'll repay you with the same thing when I die. All the eyes and ears that were in my house are the same as you. – a part of Mina's reply to Jimin's public apology Fans worldwide are disappointed in the rest of AOA members for allegedly "enabling" Jimin's bullying actions towards Mina, especially after reading her choice of words in the line: "All the eyes and ears that were in my house are the same as you". ❗❗Please remember that none of them did anything to help Mina. and Jimin basically admitted that they r all the same(bullies) in her Ig apology. AOA members on their way to apologize to Mina after 10 yrs only because they got exposed: — KERMIT'S FOOD (@jojopuffs_) July 4, 2020 Fans believe that even though they weren't the bullies themselves, they were "enablers". The other AOA members, man idk. Though they weren't direct perpetrators, they were enablers. They were silent while Mina was getting bullied, they knew what was going on but they still renewed their contracts with AOA.

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FISUR�METROS Testigos estructurales, medidor de grietas o fisuras. Aparato para medir los cambios y desplazamientos o evoluci�n de fisuras, grietas, juntas de dilataci�n, etc. Hay distintos tipos que permiten analizar movimientos verticales, horizontales y rotaciones. Generalmente se instalan con adhesivo o bien mediante tornillos o cimentaci�n, dependiendo del material de soporte. - Ejemplos de colocaci�n de fisur�metros en distintos tipos de fisuras o grietas - Clasificaci�n en funci�n del plano, direcci�n y precisi�n - An�lisis de grietas Tienda online FI007 Fisur�metro recto (medidor milim�trico) para fisuras o grietas. - Resistente a la interperie. - Resoluci�n 0, 5 mm. - Rango horizontal -20+20 mm, vertical -10 +10 mm. FI000 - Fisur�metro angular (medidor milim�trico) para fisuras o grietas. Resistente a la interperie. Resoluci�n 0, 5 mm. - Rango horizontal -20+20 mm, vertical -10+10 mm FI002 - Fisur�metro para 2 direcciones (desplazamientos verticales y laterales). Rango: -25+25 mm.

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In the Kindle Paperwhite's case though those bezels are flush with the screen, whereas they're raised on the basic Kindle. This leads to the Paperwhite looking and feeling slightly higher end. The Paperwhite's bezels are flush with its screen. Image credit: TechRadar Dimensions and weight also differ between the two, with the Amazon Kindle coming in at 160 x 113 x 8. 7mm and 174g, while the Kindle Paperwhite is 167 x 116 x 8. 2mm and 182g (or 191g if you opt for a version with cellular connectivity). So the Paperwhite is slightly taller and wider but not as thick. The Amazon Kindle Paperwhite also comes with water resistance. It's IPX8 rated, meaning it can survive being submerged up to 2 meters deep in fresh water for up to 60 minutes. So you can safely read on the beach or in the bath. The basic Kindle comes with no such reassurances. Amazon Kindle vs Kindle Paperwhite display The Kindle's screen isn't as sharp as the Paperwhite's. Image credit: TechRadar Both the Amazon Kindle and the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite have a 6-inch display, and in both cases it's designed to be glare-free.

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Próxima SlideShare Cargando en… 5 ×... Publicado el 27 de may. de 2011 1. HONORES A LA BANDERA La bandera nacional, el escudo y el Himno son tres emblemas que nos distinguencomo mexicanos, es por ello que hoy lunes 08 de marzo del 2010 corresponde alCuarto Grado grupo "A" rendir honores a nuestro lábaro patrio. A continuación recibiremos a nuestra bandera con el debido respeto que se merece. • ¡Atención escuela! …. Firmes…. ¡Saludar ya! • ¡Firmes ya! Ante este lienzo amado, juremos compañeros ser fieles a nuestra patria en bien de laigualdad, la justicia y la existencia. • Juramente a la Bandera, dirigido por el alumno Cristian Adrian Valencia GómezEntre sus notas se encierra un caudal de ternura, por que se formo tu música con el almanacional y en ella se canta la libertad y nacionalidad. • Himno Nacional Mexicano en voz de todos los presentes. A continuación despediremos a nuestro lienzo tricolor, con el debido respeto que semerece. • Atención escuela, ¡saludar ya! • ¡Firmes, ya! Glorioso estado en el que vivimos, que merece nuestro respeto y admiración.