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There will be a Sevastolink terminal on a desk to the right that you can use to browse another Personal folder and discover the existence of a lockdown button in the vicinity. The button is to the right of the terminal. Select Lift Lockdown to unlock the large door at the other side of the room and through the throng of supposed display androids. You should've played enough video games and watched enough films to know that this is bullshit. Stay on your toes. Hotfoot it past the androids, through the door and to the Sales Agreements desk. Use the Access Rewire to activate the Gas Divert option, setting the Synthetic Showroom, and the androids within, alight. Leave the room to do a bit of looting. You'll find a molotov on a nearby carcass and various supplies in the nearby room that you can use to craft medkits and all manner of explosives. When you're appropriately kitted out, save at the save station before making your way back to the Synthetic Showroom. Whip out your doodads of choice and take care of the murderous androids set on killing you.

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It will help especially artists and students to achieve their dream. This mantra needs to be chanted in front of 'Tulsi' plant. Keep a photo or idol of saraswati devi in the Tulsi pot and do Pooja. Now take 11 tulsi leaves in your hand and chant this Mantra for 108 times. Eat the 11 leaves as Prasad and finish your Pooja. Chant for 21 days in the same manner. Saraswati Mantra for Students By chanting the above Mantra students will improve in their studies or musical artists will get inspiration for new tunes. Chant on an auspicious day in front of Saraswati Devi photo or idol. Wear white clothes and offer white flowers and white Chandan to Saraswati Devi. Offer sweets and chant this Mantra for 108 times for the first time. Later chant 10 malas everyday during exam days. Saraswati Mantra for Students with Diverted Minds Your browser does not support the audio element. This ancient Mantra is usually chanted by students who struggle to get good marks in their exams. It helps them improve their concentration power and memory.

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