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From New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter comes the action-packed conclusion to the Everlife Trilogy! Perfect for fans of Sarah J Maas and Victoria Aveyard. In Book 3 of the New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter's Everlife novels, war is heating up even as numbers–obsessed Tenley "Ten" Lockwood gives her all to stop the conflict and rebuild the bridge between the two realms of the afterworld. Action, betrayal and forbidden romance abound in this exciting conclusion to the Lockwood lost the last battle, but the war between Troika and Myriad, the two realms of the Everlife, is far from over. Ten's secret bond with rival realm Laborer Killian Flynn may give her the strength to prevail…or may be the key to all of their undoing, as rulers make their final plays and trust becomes an afterthought. Ten has been given the crucial choice of which soul to bring back from Second–death to fight for Troika, but will she choose the person she wants most beside her, or the one the realm needs to triumph once and for all?

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